HR 토토 가상계좌 디시
HR 토토 가상계좌 디시Staffs and company are growing together t토토 가상계좌 디시ough educational support and
remuneration 토토 가상계좌 디시 in accordance with the performances of the staffs
in order to enhance the values of individual 토토 가상계좌 디시.
Treatment of 토토 가상계좌 디시 on the basis of individual capabilities and performances:Annual salary 토토 가상계좌 디시 and incentive 토토 가상계좌 디시
OPENBASE is implementing the annual salary 토토 가상계좌 디시 on the basis of individual capabilities and performances for all the staffs and executives.
Accurate and proper assessment and treatment on the basis of individual capabilities and performances rather than the rankings and the duration of employment alone! It is nothing special at 토토 가상계좌 디시.
Rational and fair assessment on the basis of communication rather than top-down instruction type assessment:PPC&E
OPENBASE is implementing the Performance Plan, Coaching& Evaluation (PPC&E) 토토 가상계좌 디시 based on MBO (goal management) as the assessment 토토 가상계좌 디시.
Now, the assessment of individuals is made on the basis of bi-directional communication between the manager in charge and the staff rather than the one-sided assessment such as the existing too-down type assessment or multi-faceted assessment. In addition, “PPC&E”, which is the assessment 토토 가상계좌 디시 of OPENBASE, does not stop at being a simple “assessment 토토 가상계좌 디시”. The goal of “PPC&E” is to assist individual staffs to accomplish their best performances and to grow continuously through planning together and continuous coaching and mentoring.
Diverse Welfare Benefits 토토 가상계좌 디시:OPEN WELFARE PROGRAM
OPENBASE is implementing a diverse range of welfare benefits 토토 가상계좌 디시 for greater contentment of all the staffs and executives.
Legal Welfare Benefits
In-house Welfare Benefits
- Holidays for congratulatory and consolatory family occasions
- Refresh holiday (grant 3 weeks of special paid holiday to those who worked for 5 years continuously)
- Award prize for long-term employees
- Citation/compensation for outstanding 토토 가상계좌 디시
- Award prize for those making outstanding proposals
- 토토 가상계좌 디시 of recommending staffs with past experiences
- HPC event (overseas trips for those who achieved the annual goals in the sales division and those recommended in the support department)
- Payment in support of congratulatory and consolatory family occasions
- Subsidize the cost of petrol for vehicles
- Support the cost of parking
- Support the cost of telecommunication
- Additional payment of bonus prior to and following childbirth
- Overseas training for newly recruited 토토 가상계좌 디시
- Manager level leadership education
- Operation and support of in-house interest clubs
- Hope Day: For all the 토토 가상계좌 디시 semi-annually Communication Meeting
- Workshop: Support for each divisions semi-annually
- Outing event for all the 토토 가상계좌 디시: For all the 토토 가상계좌 디시 semi-annually Outdoor activities and year-end party accompanied by the spouses of the 토토 가상계좌 디시
- Departmental Meeting: Once in each quarter for each of the teams Support communication meeting
- Welcome Package (newly recruited 토토 가상계좌 디시 with and without past experiences)
- Congratulatory event on the birthdays of the 토토 가상계좌 디시
- Mutual aid society
- Other informal supports